Attention To Detail

The ability to process detailed information effectively and consistently

stays alert and concentrated
is disturbed by small mistakes
remains focused when dealing with detailed information

handles details meticulously and makes very few mistakes
follows instructions carefully and flawlessly
checks his/her own work and focuses on details
stays critical in routine tasks and keeps an eye on his/her own performance
is able to work with numbers for a long time on end

organizes data on topics discussed with an eye for relevant detail
quickly notices contradictions in detailed information
quickly detects gaps in graphic representations
develops ideas thoroughly and meticulously into an effective plan of action
develops systems to monitor and control detailed information adequately

quickly detects inconsistencies in reports, budgets et cetera
picks essential details from a complex amount of information
readily sees contradictions in a large amount of complex information
recognizes trends in numerical information
identifies details in behavior and data that are relevant to a certain pattern

Attention to detail can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drive Order & structure.

How do you check your, and other people’s work for mistakes? When was the last time you did this? How did you do it?
Could you give an example of a work situation when you had to process a large amount of data?
Have you ever performed a task for which precision was of paramount importance?
What do you do in your position to avoid making mistakes?
When was the last time your work was flawless?

Take some time to solve a problem; the success of your work is in the details.
Review other people’s work and look for inaccuracies.
Think about a question, take a break, and go back to it.
Remain accurate, particularly when you are put under pressure.
Observe a colleague who is known to work neatly and see how he does it.

Review your candidate’s work together with the candidate and see if you can make him think of a way to improve that work next time.
Give your candidate enough time to finish his work so he does not feel forced to finish it in a hurry.
Let your candidate reflect on the importance of accuracy and detail in his work and what the consequences of inaccuracy might be.
Check together with your candidate whether you can find a pattern in his inaccuracies.
Create an open learning environment in which mistakes are allowed.


The ability to process detailed information effectively and consistently

  • How do you check your, and other people’s work for mistakes? When was the last time you did this? How did you do it?
  • Could you give an example of a work situation when you had to process a large amount of data?
  • Have you ever performed a task for which precision was of paramount importance?
  • What do you do in your position to avoid making mistakes?
  • When was the last time your work was flawless?

  • stays alert and concentrated
  • is disturbed by small mistakes
  • remains focused when dealing with detailed information

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